Legal Question in Family Law in California
Teenagers refuse visitation - custodial parent wants increase in child support
My husband's 2 children (ages 14 and 17) refuse to visit. His child support had been calculated based on his visitation schedule of 30%. His ex-wife has not been enforcing that the children visit. (She states she 'can't make them' visit if they can do what to.) My husband still tries to go and pick the kids up, but they refuse.
His wife is now stating that my husband is 'not exercising' his visitation rights and she wants the child support modified. He has continued to go pick up his children - they just refuse to go with him. Three-fold question
1. Can teen children decide when they do not want to visit?
2. Could there be an increase in support payment even though my husband still wants visitation? 3. Is there anything he can do to protect himself from an increase? i.e. document that he tries to visit? Thanks much for your advice
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Teenagers refuse visitation - custodial parent wants increase in child suppo
It is very hard to force teenagers to visit. There could be an increase in support as a result. It woudn't hurt to document the efforts to visit but it may not help either.