Legal Question in Family Law in California

underage marrage

Me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years and i have been very into her and her family. 5 months ago she got pregnate and now her family does not allow me to see her that often. i am worried that when the baby is borne that i wont be able to be with her and the baby. she is 15 years old and i am 18. i know if we get married than everything would be out of her parents hands. is there any way to get legally married in this state or maby are there any other states that that would allow us to get married? and if so then would it be out of her parents control what happens. i make more than enough money to support us and just want to be happy.

Asked on 4/20/04, 2:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: underage marrage

You are a legal adult and got a 15 year old pregnant. You could be charged with statutory rape and should be greatful that her parents have not yet pushed that issue. She cannot be emancipated without her parents consent and you cannot take her to another state without their consent. Regardless of whether you can support her she is still a child and she will change a great deal over the next 10 years. I suggest that you get some counseling, both career and personal, to determine how best you can support this child financially and emotionally. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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Answered on 4/21/04, 11:06 am

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