Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

Auto Accident

police report states other party responsible the other parties insuarance denied my claim saying its driver vs. driver. My vehicle has been totalled, i have no means of transportation, i've had to quit my job, im a full time student & all my books were lost on the freeway, because my proof of ins. was also lost, i had to go to court and show proof of ins.the dmv hasnt cleared it and my liscense is now suspended.made a payment to my ins. company the day of the accident, they're stating it didnt go into affect until midnight the following day, my accident was at 11:35PM. I need advice on how to resolve this matter, thank you

Asked on 6/22/05, 10:22 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Auto Accident

You have several issues. If the other driver was at fault, you should be able to collect for your damages against his/her insurance. If they're balking, that's where lawyers get involved. The damages would include the loss of your books, damage to the vehicle, any medical bills, etc.

The other issue is your own insurance. Obviously, there's a dispute about when you made a payment. What kind of proof do you have as to when you made the payment, whether the insurance agent wrote a binder, etc.? Feel free to give me a call to discuss. (310) 858-9771.

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Answered on 6/22/05, 11:39 am
Christopher Kall Law Offices of Christopher A. Kall

Re: Auto Accident

You have a number of issues that require the assistance of a lawyer. You need to obtain recovery for the damages incurred in the accident, and if the other side is not cooperating, it will require a lawyer to get them in line. Also, the issue concerning your own insurance will not only affect your license, but will determine the kind of damages that you can claim and recovery in a lawsuit. A lawyer can assist you in these matters and should take the case on a contingency basis, which means that the lawyer gets paid out of what is recovered and you do not have to pay any upfront out-of-pocket expenses. Let me know if I can be of any further service to you.

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Answered on 6/22/05, 12:03 pm

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