Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

If you buy apartment "as it is" and roof was leaking before we purchased condo.

is it my responsibility if it was damaged in past before I bought ? Or its still my responsibilit?

I f water goes downstairs unit the day I moved in? Is it my fault? I have no furniture, no food, no pillows nothing. Who is liable for this ?

Asked on 3/11/10, 8:59 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jonathan Reich De Castro, West, Chodorow, Glickfeld & Nass, Inc.

Generally the roof of a condo project is the responsibility of the association, not the owner of the top floor unit.

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Answered on 3/16/10, 9:35 am

Mr. Reich is correct that the HOA, not the owner of the unit under the leaky roof, should be responsible for the roof leak no matter when you bought the unit. In addition, if the roof leak was not disclosed to you before you bought the unit, you have a right to sue the seller and possibly the seller's real estate agent. "As is" cannot be used to defeat the law that requires disclosure of defects before selling a property.

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Answered on 3/16/10, 1:06 pm

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