Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

Car Accident, No Insurance, being Sued

My husband was involved in a car accident in 2007. He was driving a friends car, who was in the car at the time as well. A motorcycle hit them in the rear quarter panel while they were making a left hand turn into a driveway. I have pictures of the car damage. At the moment of the accident the friend told my husband she had let her insurance lapse. My husband was on probation from a prior accident and also did not have insurance. Push came to shove the motorcycle driver said he was ok, took my husband and friends info and drove away. Now we are being sued by this mans insurance company. First we were never served. We went to court and explain this and the judge set the lein aside so we could start all over again, We have filed paperwork up to the CM-110. Now we are just at a loss as to what to do. The owner of the car wants nothing to do with it and didn't even show up in court. We really can't afford an attorney. We are being sued for $3500, and most lawyers want more then that. What kind of trouble can my husband end up in since he didn't have insurance and was on probation? The court date for a non jury trial is set for May 21, 2009. Should we just pay even though this accident was not my husband's fault?

Asked on 3/28/09, 2:19 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

Re: Car Accident, No Insurance, being Sued

In general a vehicle making a turn in front of another vehicle is at fault for the accident. Unless the motorcyclist sped up right after your husband started to turn and it was safe to do so before he sped up, your husband is at fault. The only issue is whether there is any comparative negligence.

A judge is not going to want to allow a trial on a $3,500 property damage case. Check with the clerk of the judge the matter is assigned to for trial or the presiding judge or the ADR administrator [Alternative Dispute Resolution] whether the judge is likely to refer the case to arbitration [retired judge or lawyer agreed to by both sides hold informal hearing and issues decision not aotomatically binding].

The insurance company does not want to go to trial either; offer $2,250 to settle. You can subpoena the owner to the hearing. You might want to hire an attorney to substitute in and write a sharp letter to the insurance carrier to make your offer; if you find an inexpense attorney that might cost $400 [but attorney should be in your local area so that insurance company thinks you will go to trial if they do not settle]. you might be able to save about $1,000 that way.

What the DMV does is not related to the civil case. If they are paying attention, they should permanently or at least for a long period of time remove his driving privileges. What is he doing driving on a suspended license [I assume that is what you really mean by saying he was on "probation"].

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Answered on 3/29/09, 1:21 pm
George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

Re: Car Accident, No Insurance, being Sued

In general a vehicle making a turn in front of another vehicle is at fault for the accident. Unless the motorcyclist sped up right after your husband started to turn and it was safe to do so before he sped up, your husband is at fault. The only issue is whether there is any comparative negligence.

A judge is not going to want to allow a trial on a $3,500 property damage case. Check with the clerk of the judge the matter is assigned to for trial or the presiding judge or the ADR administrator [Alternative Dispute Resolution] whether the judge is likely to refer the case to arbitration [retired judge or lawyer agreed to by both sides hold informal hearing and issues decision not aotomatically binding].

The insurance company does not want to go to trial either; offer $2,250 to settle. You can subpoena the owner to the hearing. You might want to hire an attorney to substitute in and write a sharp letter to the insurance carrier to make your offer; if you find an inexpense attorney that might cost $400 [but attorney should be in your local area so that insurance company thinks you will go to trial if they do not settle]. you might be able to save about $1,000 that way.

What the DMV does is not related to the civil case. If they are paying attention, they should permanently or at least for a long period of time remove his driving privileges. What is he doing driving on a suspended license [I assume that is what you really mean by saying he was on "probation"].

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Answered on 3/29/09, 1:21 pm

Re: Car Accident, No Insurance, being Sued

If he hit you from behind, then he may have no case as a matter of law. I would have to examine facts. Contact my office if you want to hire me to write a quick letter to the insurance company, and email me the pictures and a copy of the complaint.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.


No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. You may not rely in any way on this communication, and nothing herein constitutes legal advice nor legal opinion. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not obtain an attorney immediately.

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Answered on 3/30/09, 2:16 am

Re: Car Accident, No Insurance, being Sued

If he hit you from behind, then he may have no case as a matter of law. I would have to examine facts. Contact my office if you want to hire me to write a quick letter to the insurance company, and email me the pictures and a copy of the complaint.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.


No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. You may not rely in any way on this communication, and nothing herein constitutes legal advice nor legal opinion. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not obtain an attorney immediately.

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Answered on 3/30/09, 2:16 am

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