Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

daughter and i were falsly accused of shoplifting

We were returning merchandise at store. Loss prevention accused us of stealing. We denied and provided a reciept given at customer service when we entered the store. We were told to sit down shut up and not move. Then verbally assulted. Called f ing liars, f ing thieves and even told we were a mother daughter shoplifting team. We were told we were going to jail and that lp knew we had warrents for being shoplifting team. All untrue. Clothing was thrown around room by lp when we kept denying accusations. After 45 min they decided to call police. We were both searched. Police said we may have to go to court, no prob we did nothing wrong. Explained our side. Girl working customer service desk told both lp persons and police we did nothing wrong & have a reciept. She told us police only one who believed her.Police told us to go home.Went in next day for meeting with mgr and lp district mgr about treatment. Thought the room would be video/audio taped.Asked lp district mgr if he saw tape meaning room tape. He said inconclusive cant tell if you did or didn't steal. No charges filed. Mgmt didn't even know there was a problem we were there 2hrs. Do we have any recourse with this if so what type of attorney should we be talking to

Asked on 2/06/09, 6:44 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: daughter and i were falsly accused of shoplifting

Sounds like the tort of false imprisonment, possibly others. You should talk to a litigator, like myself. Email me. After reviewing your case, we might put in a demand for compensation for your trouble. I will also ask them to preserve evidence including the tape. Send me an email.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.


No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. You may not rely in any way on this communication, and nothing herein constitutes legal advice nor legal opinion. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not obtain an attorney immediately.

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Answered on 2/06/09, 7:34 pm
Richard Koman Law Offices of Richard C Koman

Re: daughter and i were falsly accused of shoplifting

I agree with Daniel. Clearly there are causes of action for false imprisonment, assault, intentional infliction of emotional abuse. Feel feel to email me to discuss the details.

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Answered on 2/07/09, 3:50 am

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