Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

What to do about defamation of a Organization?

One of the voleenters who use to be in my animal rescue group, left the group and is now with a different group. She has been adopting animals out of her home using my adoption paperwork and collecting the donation for the animal. We do have an IRS non-profit number. So we are legal. She has sent several harassing e-mails to me. I kept copies with her e-mail addresson it. She is telling people we are a mean & cruel to animals and not to adopt animals from us. We have people call us and tell us it's her. We have proof of everything.I want it to stop. I want her to stop harassing us and stop the defamations of our group. We are very small and have no money for a Lawyer. I do have access to a Law Libary. I would like to know what kind of a letter to write or something to tell her if she doesn't stop she will be sued. Then we will raise money for that.

Asked on 1/22/98, 6:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert E. Drescher Law Offices of Robert E. Drescher

Defamation of an Organization

You have a serious problem. You must take measures to stop this individualfrom using your name the way she is. Additionally, if she is using your IRSnumber, you and your organization could be in BIG trouble. I have worked with severalanimal rescue groups in the past and I would be willingto work with your group at a reduced rate. Please contact me if youare interested in my services. I am confident that I can beof assistance to your organization withoutbankrupting you.============================================================If applicable to this message: "This transmission does not create an attorney-client relationship. I will not be representing anyone without a written agreement signed by all parties. Answers to questions are for general information only and should not be construed as legal advice in any particular jurisdiction. If you need legal advice for a specific legal problem seek the services of a knowledgable attorney in your area or locale."=============================================================

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Answered on 1/28/98, 9:53 am

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