Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California
old fender bender
can i be summond to court for an auto accident that happend over nine years ago?
Asked on 6/23/99, 11:52 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Ken Koury
Kenneth P. Koury, Esq.
Re: old fender bender
if you are being sued as a defendant you must respond but any good lawyer can easily get the case dismissed.
Answered on 7/08/99, 5:27 am
Jed Somit
Jed Somit, Attorney at Law
Re: old fender bender
Maybe. If you are a witness and the matter is yet to come to
trial, yes. If you were a defendant and a judgment was obtained and
the creditor is attempting to enforce the judgment, yes.
In general, you can be summoned. If you are being sued, the lapse of
time may be a defense, but you still have to obey the summons and assert the defense properly. If you are not being sued and are summoned as a witness, show up.
Answered on 7/07/99, 3:49 pm