Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

I am a homeowner in Los Angeles, and I share an easement with a neighbor whose behavior has become increasingly hostile towards me. I have lived here for six years, but in the last two, she has gone out of her way to create a hostile environment, most recently blocking my front door with her car for days on end. When I emailed and called to request her not to do this, she responded with an email full of hatred and venom. Now she is blocking access to the back of my house by arranging her garbage cans across the easement and filling them with water and huge bamboo plants. This makes the cans incredibly heavy and difficult to move, not to mention that they're filled with stinking stagnant water. In the past, she has made threats to another neighbor's young child, and screamed at this neighbor's elderly mother. She has screamed at me on numerous occasions, though I usually just ignore her. I am sick and tired of her recent attempts to disrupt my reasonable expectations of living in my own house, such as accessing my own property! But I cannot ignore her attempts to block my free access to my own home. She has also maliciously damaged my property by smashing two of my planters. I can't prove it, but I know she did it. There are many more incidents of her erratic and psychotic behavior, but these are the most recent. I am on the verge of filing a police report, but I'm not sure what course of action is best. Please advise, and thank you very much in advance. I'm not sure which area of law to request assistance from.

Asked on 1/17/13, 4:21 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Anthony Roach Law Office of Anthony A. Roach

The police (LAPD) will most likely tell you that it is a civil matter, and advise you to speak to an attorney about suing her and getting an order in place prohibiting her from interfering with your use of the easement.

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Answered on 1/17/13, 4:58 pm
Charles Perry Law Offices of Charles R. Perry

A report to the police could not hurt, though it is not clear to me that the police will intervene.

You may need to speak to an attorney about writing a letter to demand that this woman change her behavior, or to obtain civil relief to prohibit this woman from trespassing on or blocking your access to your property.

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Answered on 1/18/13, 12:55 am

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