Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California
neighbor's barking dog
dog barks incessantly,disturbs at all hours. several contacts with neighbor were futile-couldn't understand why barking dog was a disturbance-the dog was a "watch" dog. what relief may i get from the legal system?
Asked on 4/23/99, 6:13 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Jed Somit
Jed Somit, Attorney at Law
Re: neighbor's barking dog
Complain to police (or animal control); "nuisance" suit against
neighbors; request for injunction.
If there is a dispute resolution center for your city, try to call them as well.
Jed Somit
Jed Somit, Attorney at Law
1440 Broadway - Suite 910
Answered on 4/23/99, 9:07 pm