Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California

Personal Injury

I was in a bar in imperial beach, there was a customer at the bar next to me , who began verbally abusing me. Calling me various names and making threats. I infomed the bartender of the problem and mentioned that something would happen if she did not handle the situtation. after repeted comments and threats the verbal escillated into a physical confrontation outside the bar, with the end result of a fight, I was told to leave and even mentioned that it was her fault for not handling the problem when I brought it to her attention. Due I have any legal grounds or should I just forget it.

I did not go to the doctor, but did take pictures of my injuries, head wound, arm, nose, neck, and shoulder. all showing signs of damage and disconfert. Please advise on what my options are against the bar, bartender or business owner. Are they or Are they not responsible for my saftey and being and invitee, to the establishment. I do believe the police were called but I was told to leave before they arrived. Do I have any legal avenue to explore.

Asked on 7/13/07, 1:39 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: Personal Injury

You lost a bar fight. You had the option of leaving the bar and going home (or somewhere else) instead of choosing to allow the matter to "escalate." How is the bar or the bartender responsible? You would be laughed out of court.

Please seek appropriate medical attention, because head wounds can cause brain damage (or aggravate existing brain damage). If you plan on getting in bar fights in the future, take karate lessons. Have a lawyer and bail bondsman on retainer.

Getting involved in bar fights is also an indication that you have a drinking problem.

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Answered on 7/13/07, 2:17 pm

Re: Personal Injury

Dramshops are liable for failure to protect invitees from foreseeable criminal acts. Who threw the first punch? I have recovered $ 80K in a jury trial for a bar fight contrary to Mr. Stone's experience.

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Answered on 7/13/07, 2:33 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: Personal Injury

It's hard to say based upon the few facts you have provided. It's possible that you have a case against the bar, but you might have no case at all. The other patron may even have a good case against you depending upon how the fight started and how it progressed.

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Answered on 7/13/07, 3:11 pm

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