Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California
Police Missconduct- Releasing personal information to criminal/now identity stol
Last July some guy got arrested and gave a false name. The officer couldn't find the subjects name listed & asked him some questions & found he went to college.The officer called the college to get records on the subject, didn't find the exact name, & gave my husband's name instead. He has the same last name, & was born in the same month & year. Different day & different first & middle names. We went to the police dept. & talked to the officer.He said he asked the guy if this was his real name & if he lived at my address & he said yes, he gave out this name to avoid trouble. Now, a few days ago I had officers banging on my door late at night looking for my husband.Someone used his name for a gang related crime. This time he has all the information, including drivers license numbers What should we do now? We would like to go after the officer & the college, if possible, & if nothing else we want this matter cleared up so my husband doesn't have to fear arrest at any time because this guy is now wanted under my husband's name.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Police Missconduct- Releasing personal information to criminal/now identity
There is probably no simple solution to this problem. You need to hire an attorney to contact the police, DA and court to get the charges dismissed.