Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California
Seller of vehicle has stolen it back
Two years ago I bought a truck from private party. An 18 month payment contract was signed by both parties. By August 98 all payments were made. Seller will not take vehicle out of her name or sign over pink slip. During payment period she stole truck back twice and friend of mine took it back from her both times. She has "sold" truck before and done same thing. Two weeks ago she stole it again and since she moved out of town I cannot locate her or truck. I have signed contract and signed receipts for all payments. The first time she stole it and I got it back she called police and they said it was civil matter. I also called police and told them story and have a record of incident on file. She is separated from her husband who also has name of vehicle. She forged his name when signing bill of sale. I do know his phone number and location of his residence, tho not address. Have not spoken to him. During signing of receipts and contract she signed her name many different ways, I assume to deny signature.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: case
You have a great case against this woman. You can
sue her in the county where the contract was signed
and carried out which is the county where you live.
A Municipal court filing fee is usually between $80-
$100. You can recover the money you paid as well
as costs in persuing the claim against her. If you
would like a free consultations regarding your rights
please feel free to contact me at (805) 546-9918 or
email me at [email protected]. Good luck and I
look forward to hearing from you.
Re: Seller of vehicle has stolen it back
the police are right, it is a civil matter. you can either sue her or seek a court injunction.