Legal Question in Civil Litigation in California
Small Claims questions
Is there a statuet fo limitations on Small Claims court?
Can I get the forms to file off of the net? If so where?
Asked on 9/17/99, 9:11 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Joshua Genser
Joshua G. Genser, Attorney at Law
Re: Small Claims questions
The statute of limitations applies to the type of
claim that is being made, not to the court in which
the claim is filed. For example, a claim for personal
injuries must be brought within one year of suffering
the injuries (usually)regardless of whether the suit is
filed in small claims court or superior court.
The forms for small claims court are usually available
at the clerk's office of your local courthouse.
Some counties may have downloadable forms on the web,
so check your county's web site.
Answered on 9/17/99, 5:05 pm