Legal Question in Health Care Law in California

My father has had back issues all of his life. He was born with scoliosis of the lower back, and it will worsen as he gets older. A about eight years ago he had an accident while scaling a tree (he was a lumberjack), which messed up his back even further. He was insured with Kaiser at the time, but no break was found in his back. This was all in the past, until he was injured once again in a motorcycle accident a few years ago, but still no break was found. When he went to the doctor's office, he told them that he was in a lot of pain, which the doctor in charge of his medication told him (and I quote) "I really don't think you're in that much pain." All of this was said and done and over with (again), until he went to the KNEE doctor for a problem he'd been having. This KNEE doctor ordered X-rays of his back, in which they found a 7-year old break. This caused my dad to undergo surgery, and he can now barely move without being in immense pain. Is this means for a lawsuit? If so, how would he go about filing for it?

Asked on 3/17/10, 6:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You may have a case. Are you saying that the recent surgery went wrong and that is why he now cannot move? Send me an email with some details.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.

[email protected]


The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi

870 Market Street, Suite 1161

San Francisco CA 94102

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Answered on 3/29/10, 4:23 pm

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