Legal Question in Immigration Law in California

married on a vistor visa

Hello there im going to tell all my long story for better answers please.

Ok im very happy cus i got married with someone i really love, the point is that im just 20 and my husband it 21 i live in the border with calexico ca he lives there and hes a us citizen, so after getting married on my visitor visa in yuma arizona I still live in mexicali mexico for money i mean i dont make a lot of money working in mexico, we want to rent an aparment in calexico but we need to know if after how long of marriage can i adjust my status or can we ask for a work permit?. is it bad i got married on my visitor visa after 2 months i recieved it?

any office in the imperial valley i will be so happy!

Asked on 7/07/09, 2:15 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Cho Law Offices of Michael Cho

Re: married on a vistor visa

You may find the following information relevant to your situation:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=3&cntnt01returnid=71

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Answered on 7/07/09, 11:56 am
Ellaine Loreto Law Offices of Ellaine Loreto

Re: married on a vistor visa

Although normally, immigration may question your dual intent of your visitor visa if you get married within the 1st 90 days of your visitor visa, you shouldn't be that worried if you can prove that the marriage is legitimate and that your intention wasn't necessarily to get married while visiting.

As long as you have documentation that can show the marriage is real, your husband can apply for a petition for you and you can adjust status if you are in the US. You should get a work permit 90 days after you file the petition.

If you are not in the US, then this process may take up to 2 years, since your husband would be applying with the consulate in Ciudad Juarez.

To discuss your specific case further, kindly email me at [email protected], or refer to our contact information on our website at We offer a FREE initial consultation and payment plans.

Note: The above response is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice, nor to create an attorney-client relationship, which can only be established through payment of consideration.

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Answered on 7/07/09, 1:38 pm
Daniel Hanlon Hanlon Law Group, P.C.

Re: married on a vistor visa

Dear Inquirer:

You would not want to file for "adjustment of status" if you got married in the US less than 30 days after admission as a visitor. The reason is that marrying a US Citizen and filing for adjustment of status so soon after entry would suggest that you intended to stay permanently when you presented yourself as a visitor, which is a fraud.

The safer alternative is to apply for an immigrant visa or K-3 visa from outside of the US.

I recommend that you visit or email me at [email protected] if you would like to schedule an appointment for a confidential consultation to discuss this matter further.

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Answered on 7/08/09, 6:28 pm

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