Legal Question in Immigration Law in California

Work Permit sponsored by my employer

My choices to obtain residenship in this country are:

-To be sponsored by my current employer if it is possible.

-Star my fiance's US citizenship process and be claimed by her.

-Wait for the senate and the house of representatives to come up with a plan to obtain a work permit. I've been in the US for five years and I entered with a tourist visa. I have a BS in accounting from Mexico but I also got a High School Diploma and a AA in Finance and Banking from Los Angeles City College.

I'm completely bilingual and my employeer would be happy to sponsor me.

Which one is my most realistic chance to obtain legal residenship in the USA???

Asked on 5/21/06, 9:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Larry L. Doan Law Office of Larry L. Doan

Re: Work Permit sponsored by my employer

This is an easy choice: get your fiancee to become a U.S. citizen if she's already got at least 5 years of being a permanent resident. The other ways will take way too long: 1) labor certification will take at least 5 years or more even with PERM since you will be in the skilled workers category and the priority number is backed up to 04/22/2001, 2) as for the guest worker program that you're hoping Congress may pass, it'll only allow guest worker status for 6 yrs before you could even qualify for permanent residence.

Liem Doan, Esq.

Note: The above response is provided for legal information only and is not legal advice. Such advice can only be rendered after an

attorney-client relationship has been expressly established with appropriate payment of valuable consideration. If follow-up advice is desired on a particular situation, a paid consultation can be arranged.

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Answered on 5/21/06, 10:22 pm

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