Legal Question in Insurance Law in California

I drive someone's car

I have my own car and I only have liability insurance. My car sometimes breaks down, and sometimes I drive my dad's car with his permission (he has full coverage for his car). If I were involved in an accident while driving his car and I were at fault, then:

1) Would my insurance pay for the other driver's car and his/her injuries?

2) Would my insurance pay for the damages to my dad's car?

3) Would my dad's insurance have to pay for anything? And if this is the case, would his insurance policy and premium be affected in anyway?

Thank you.

Asked on 6/28/07, 3:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: I drive someone's car

It depends whether your dad's policy has an exclusion for people living in the same house and you weren't listed on his policy as an additional driver. If you are, then the insurance companies should work it out between them as to which carrier will pay.

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Answered on 7/06/07, 1:48 pm
Jonathan Stein Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

Re: I drive someone's car

All of the answers are maybe. You need to read the actual policy language. Some insurers exclude you if you drive someone else's car. Some insurers exclude someone else from driving your car. Without seeing the actual policies, it is impossible to give you an answer.

I would be happy to review these for you at a discounted rate if you contact me at

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Answered on 7/06/07, 3:22 pm

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