Legal Question in International Law in California

salespeople in Nicaragua are traveling to the USA on visas soley to sell fraudulent real estate developments and swindle dozens of American investors.

over the last 5 years this group has sold over 60 pieces of real estate in which not one has been what the buyer expected. Nor did they get the promised amenities.

Question. How and to whom do these american investors either individually ( there are 25 current pending complaints and more to come) or as a a group attempt to bare the use of entrance visas into the USA by these unscrupolous sales people in an attempt to stop them from selling any more bogus real estate?

Can this group individually or collectively file a notice or complaint of some sort with the State Department or US Immigrations requesting denial into the USA or launching an investigation concerning their business practices. I personally know over 50 investors that were swindled and they feel they have absolutely no recourse in Nicaragua and justifiably so but have not looked into a US claim.

Please help them!

Asked on 9/08/10, 5:14 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

I handle real estate securities fraud matters, and I also am familiar with some aspects of international law. I could investigate and bring a lawsuit to get a judgment, or do something with the Nicaraguan government, but I would need to be paid hourly. With 50 people, they should be able to pool their resources. If so, please contact my office.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.

[email protected]


The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi, APLC

870 Market Street, Suite 1161

San Francisco CA 94102

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Answered on 9/13/10, 5:23 pm

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