Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Breech of verbal and accepted contract

My question is that I had a long term substitute position and the principal asked me if I could continue until June 2009. I said yes.

I asked on Dec. 11th if we needed to revise the contract or how it would work.

Iam a fully credentialed Multiple Subjects teacher with 7 years of teaching experience, C.L.A.D., two years of B.T.S.A., and a Masters in Curriculum, Education, and Technology, and also N.C.L.B. compliant.

However, I was contracted to work at first to Jan.12, 2009.

I got a call from the district HR person telling me they hired someone for the position. )It was never posted!) And that my last day was Dec. 12, 2008. This was to my answering machine and it being after the office closed so I had no one to ask what? to.

No one will give me a direct answer and there is more to the story.

As a substitute teacher it seems that I am at the whim of this district and I have no rights.

There is more detail to the story if you e-mail me I can send it to you.

The teachers union won't even call me back. Do I have any recourse?

Asked on 12/17/08, 1:16 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Breech of verbal and accepted contract

Yes please email me your story.


No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. You may not rely in any way on this communication, and nothing herein constitutes legal advice nor legal opinion. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not obtain an attorney immediately.

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Answered on 12/17/08, 3:23 pm

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