Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Bullying in workplace - what are my rights?

I have been working in a hosptial for 2 yrs and with company 10 yrs. In the past 2 yrs I have been subject to a constant harrassment. My boss has always seemed sympathetic and has agreed that the fellow supervisor does have a bad attitude but just told me to ignore her and her team whom she allows to treat me disrespectfully. Now my boss has turned on me and is saying that I am the problem. I had been feeling so sick with headaches, feelings of bugs crawling on me, severe burning in my stomach. My doctor ordered me on medical leave and has referred me to behavioral health. My employer is trying to get me to file workman's comp, not disability. I am very confused because I do not know which route I am supposed to take. I have a source in the HR department who has told me that they are saying that I made the job harder than it was and that I cannot let things go and that I am the source of the problem instead of the victim of bullying in the workplace. My boss has completely turned on me and has told me she never heard of anyone with this type of issue with employees before. I am also the most complitmented and awarded employee. I have received more patient appreciation letters than anyone in the history of the company.

Asked on 6/10/09, 6:17 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Bullying in workplace - what are my rights?

Because your medical condition is work-related, you may receive benefits of worker's Compensation such as temporary disability benefits, permanent disability and medical treatment. Feel free to call us at 213.388.7070 for a free consultation.

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Answered on 6/11/09, 4:52 pm

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