Legal Question in Employment Law in California
how to calculate hours worked in california???
if i worked 11pm to 7am, then come back at 3pm and work till 11pm, then come back again the next day at 7am, till 3pm. (for 3 consecutive days) how do i calculate this in terms of overtime or split shift or workday??? HELP!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: how to calculate hours worked in california???
It depends on when your work day starts. Every employer must establish a work week, which is a seven day consecutive period (i.e 12:00 midnight Monday through 11.59 PM Sunday) Count the hours worked in each work day (in the example a work day would start at 12:00 Midnight and end at 11:59 PM the next day, even though you may start at other hours) and determine the number of hours worked in each distinct work day. Over 8 hours in a day is time and one half and over 12 hours in a day is double time.