Legal Question in Employment Law in California

In this case they fire me, do I have a case? I don't want to loose my job...

I was first working for this company as a temp at the front desk.After many conversations and interviews,I was hired as a HR Rep I.My HR background is from my native country,even thou my manager was OK with that,and told me several times that I'm capable and that he was going to expose me all the HR practices.However this is not happening,in addition he is aggressive and unstable. Although I'm learning things on my on and doing very well(he never knows about anything or ever gives me precises answer),I feel threatened by his behavior and mood swings.

In various occasions he made comments on my looks, like ''that I look like one of the girls who works at the cosmetic counter at

Macy's''. On another occasion, he said that he saw a girl on TV and made a comment to his wife ''X is just like her:

all she thinks about is herself.'' I felt embarrassed.

After having lunch and running errands for the company for 2 hours, I went back to the company and he took me to a conference room where he raised his voice asking where I was,and accused me of having taken the whole afternoon off,I was afraid he would become physically violent.Now I know he has talked to his boss in order to hire a more senior rep,I have more unbelievable details

Asked on 3/30/08, 7:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lisa Howard Law Offices of Lisa M. Howard

Re: In this case they fire me, do I have a case? I don't want to loose my job...

Did you complain to your Human Resource Department or equivalent?

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Answered on 4/04/08, 4:28 am

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