Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Do I have a case? Help, please!

I was recently offered a job at a top international company, the

culmination of months of extremely hard work. The manager

called me on a Saturday night and proceeded to: offer me a job,

rescind the job offer, say he wasn't going to rescind the offer, but

''didn't like the way the conversation was going,'' refused to give

me any time to consider his offer, used personal information

obtained throughout the lengthy interview process to create a

climate of fear and intimidation to control me and lied to me (when

this manager promised to give me until noon on the following

Monday to consider the offer, less than 48 hours, then called back

the following day, Sunday, to rescind the offer without


What constitutes a verbal contract when considering a job offer?

Are there industry-specific codes of conduct to be considered in

the interview process that add weight to a legal case?

What legal recourse do I have, if any?

What are the laws regarding strong-arm tactics, use of personal

information as leverage, hostile treatment, harassment, mental

torment and manipulation as means to influence a candidate to

accept an offer?

Thank you

Asked on 4/29/03, 1:46 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jason Hsu Una Law Corporation

Re: Do I have a case? Help, please!

From what you have relayed, it does not appear that you have a valid case. Generally, contacts require an offer and acceptance. In your case, there was never any acceptance. Despite the unprofessional way the interview and/or the whole process was handled, there does not appear to be any cause of action. You could attempt to sue in tort for emotional distress, but then the question comes down to damages (if any).

This is general information that I hope has been helpful to you. However, you should always obtain legal counsel familiar with your specific circumstances. We may be able to assist you with your legal issues. If we can assist you in the future, please contact us at and somebody will assist you as soon as possible.

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Answered on 4/30/03, 4:24 am

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