Legal Question in Employment Law in California
Employee Rights
My questions are regarding my employment I requested to be put on payroll I don't know if I ever was. The day I was put on a 2 week supension, without pay. I was told that if I did not sign this contract I would be terminated. This was an Independent Contractors contract so I signed it to keep my job. It was dated back in October of 96 when I was hired, but never dated the day it was signed, which was November of 97. Ater 2 weeks I showed up and was let go the same day. I did not recieve my paycheck until 3 or 4 weeks later. I was promised 1 week of vacation pay when hired, I never received that either. Please let me know if we have a case. This is supposedly and non- profit organization, these owners have several alias, and one the owners is listed as non paid volunteer, but she receives $1500.00 every other week, or every month. CAN YOU HELP, WE DON'T HAVE ALOT OF MONEY, AND WE JUST WANT WHATS FAIR.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Switch to Independent contractor status / wage claim / wrongful discharge
You may have several claims. You should seek out an experianced employment laywer and discuss your case in detail.
The above is meant to assist in a general understading of the subject matter. IT IS NOT TO BE REGARDED AS LEGAL ADVICE AND NO ATTORNEY - CLIENT RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. Companies and individuals with particular questions should seek advice of counsel.