Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Employment contract

I was offered a retention package by the CEO upon my resignation. The package gave me 6 months of severance pay to stick around for another 45 days while he negotiated a better employment deal with the board. If i left for any reason after 45 days or i was terminated within 45 days, i was eligible for the severance pay.

The same deal was given to few other core team members.

I waited for 45 days things didn't improve and looking at the circumstances i decided to look outside, got an offer and resigned.

During this period the CEO was let go and the board brought in new management.

When i asked about the 6 months severance pay my previous employer told me that their legal counsel has determined the contract as invalid and hence they won't be paying it.

Can a contract signed by the CEO and offered to the employees for retention be made invalid? If not should i take legal action.

Asked on 7/14/08, 5:26 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Lisa Howard Law Offices of Lisa M. Howard

Re: Employment contract

You stated the contract was signed by the CEO & OFFERED to employees...does this mean that you did NOT sign the contract? If a party fails to sign the agreement, then the contract is probably unenforceable.

If you are talking about a fully executed agreement (signed by all parties), then I do not understand your question. Try again?

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Answered on 7/16/08, 12:44 pm
Arkady Itkin Law Office of Arkady Itkin

Re: Employment contract

Hello. I am a San Francisco attorney specializing in employment law and contracts. Feel free to contact me to discuss your resignation, contract and severance terms.



[email protected]

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Answered on 7/15/08, 3:09 pm

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