Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Employment Law

My job required that I travel out of state a few times a month. On one of my trips i discovered that my son was in a car accident. With my direct supervisors approval I flew home to be with him. Sales have been tough and the company is reacting to the business in a very scatted way. One day they want you to do this and the next it is diffrent. I had a conversation with the HR manager regarding my sons accident and being afraid I would be fired. She assured me that I would have been fired if I hadn't gone home to be with my son. The next week I went back and received a surprise visit from the director of stores. He was not happy with what he saw at one of the locations. Based on how the corporate office was handling the business the store was a result of their decisisons. I was then told I could resign or be fired the next day. Based on the fact that I had a family emergency the week before and was back to work to get the stores in order can they do this?

Asked on 3/17/08, 4:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ryan P. McClure The Law Offices of Ryan P. McClure

Re: Employment Law

Yes they can. Clearly the employer was not happy with the state of the store. Depsite the fact that you had a legitimate reason for not being focused on the business at hand this fact would not preclude an employer from terminating you.

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Answered on 3/25/08, 12:46 am

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