Legal Question in Employment Law in California
i am an exotic dancer operating under the assumption of independant contractor status. My employer requires us to work set set shifts we choose what shifts but they choose the time blocks for the most part also they just decided to change all the dance rooms over to ipods without warning or explination and gave us no notice to have to purchase one or be left with only one room that still accepts cds the owner a woman likes to get her jollies off of gossiping and only gives lucrative private parties to her pets am i right in thinking we are employees? I have read the californias definition of being an independant contractor but it is very vague as far as dancing goes. thanks
3 Answers from Attorneys
There have been a number of cases challenging the independent contractor status of exotic dancers, with success. Most cases have ruled exotic dancers are really employees. You should consult with an experienced employment law attorney in your area to review your particular employment situation for a legal opinion and to discuss your legal options.
It may be cheaper just to get an ipod, at least regarding this issue.
Daniel Bakondi, Esq.
The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi, APLC
870 Market Street, Suite 1161
San Francisco CA 94102
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Most exotic dancers are legally employees. Without more details it is not possible to say which you are, however.