Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Labor board Penalties

My previous employer discharged me

without final payment. They owed

me around 4K. They shut down the

business and all of the checks they

did issue to me bounced. After

months of getting nowhere I took

the problem to the California Labor

Board... At the conference my

former employer finally paid me the

4K they owed... However I was

informed that due to the time frame

I would be entitled to extra penalties

somewhere around 10K. My old boss

told me that they would file

bankruptcy soon and I would never

see a penny of the penalties owed...

We have a hearing set next month

to determine the exact dollar

amount of penalties owed... I just

want to know if it is worth my time

to pursue this claim further or is this

as far as I should go... My old

company was an Inc by the way... I

have heard that this is important...


Asked on 3/31/08, 9:25 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ryan P. McClure The Law Offices of Ryan P. McClure

Re: Labor board Penalties

If your ex-employer owes you waiting time penalties to the tune of $10K I think it would be worth pursuing.

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Answered on 4/04/08, 12:55 am

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