Legal Question in Employment Law in California
Paycheck Withholding
I work for a medical related company in the San Francisco Bay Area. My employer recently had IRS Liens and Levies placed on them for failure to pay taxes (back taxes). Last I was told all liens and levies had been lifted and my employer was waiting for checks to come in from different hospitals we provide service to. During this time a number of employees continued to work and have yet to be paid. For the past five (5) pay periods we have received two (2) paychecks. My question being, is my employer required by law to pay its employees in a time frame set by CA or Federal Labor Laws? Also, am I, the employee, entitled to any additional grievance or interest paid on the paychecks I have not received? Thank you for your time.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Paycheck Withholding
The California Labor code requires employers to pay non-exempt employees no less than twice a month and exempt employees no less than once a month. Failure to do so, could subject the employer to penalties payable to the Labor Commissioner.