Legal Question in Employment Law in California
I recently quit my job at fletcher jones motor cars to take a position elsewhere. i've just heard from 3 employees at f.j. that during a tech meeting my ex boss told everyone that i didn't quit and that, actually, he had to let me go. i'm completely floored and angered and i'd like to know if there's any legal course to take in this situation. i'm hearing i've been fired and mine is a small community. thanks
1 Answer from Attorneys
First, it is unwise to give names when posting legal questions online. If your employer knowingly communicated false info to a 3rd party and you are damaged by it, you could sue for defamation. You would have to prove that defamation occurred and what, if any, your damages are. You may want to retain legal counsel to send a cease and desist letter on your behalf. The fee to do so is approx. $300.00.