Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Can I sue my employer?

I work in construccion, my wages are $37.50 an hour.

My employer laid me off and replaced me with illegal aliens that do my work for $15.00/hour. I've been reading about the RICO statue. Can I sue the bastard???? I've been with him for 13 years. Everyone works everyday of the week, I am the only one laid off; he says he is punishing me. He's had this illegal immigrants for years; and I've been laid off for almost 9 months. Please advice!!!

Asked on 4/02/03, 3:58 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

H.M. Torrey The Law Offices of H.M. Torrey

Re: Can I sue my employer?

please email me with more detailed information on what exactly transpired and what was said. i may be able to further assist you legally.

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Answered on 4/03/03, 8:36 pm
Amy Ghosh Law Offices of Amy Ghosh

Re: Can I sue my employer?

You can sue your employer for Wrongful Termination...if you belong to protected class: race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or national origin. I need more detailed to all the incidents that transpired this termination. You may have breach of contract and good faith cause of action against him as well. You must go to a local EEOC and Dept. of fair employment and Housing office to file a complaint ASAP and get a right to sue letter from them. As for hiring an illegal alien can complain to INS.and proper can not do anything else...and hope that the system will take care of him. Local INS illegal activities reporting No: 213-894-0400 Ext 10

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Answered on 4/11/03, 2:12 pm

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