Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Unpaid commissions/co sold

I was not paid my commissions in


Can I go after the CEO of the

company I worked for or do I have to

sue the new company that

purchased the co. The commissions

were earned prior to the co. being


My commission agreement was in

the form of an email from the CEO of

the orginal company. Can I go after

him since he was the one who

decided not to pay me?

Asked on 7/09/08, 7:28 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Kirschbaum Law Offices of Michael R. Kirschbaum

Re: Unpaid commissions/co sold

Go after both of them and let them fight it out between each other who owes the money.

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Answered on 7/10/08, 6:19 pm
George Moschopoulos The Law Office of George Moschopoulos

Re: Unpaid commissions/co sold

In CA, commissions are considered wages under Lab C �200. Thus, your commissions should have been paid to you at the time you were terminated or within 72 hours after quitting. Lab C �227.3.

You have several options. You can either pursue this with the labor board, or as Mr. Kirschbaum pointed out, you can sue the CEO and the company that acquired the old one. If the old one is still around (the one you used to work for), name them as a defendant, too.

Best of Luck!

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Answered on 7/11/08, 2:52 am

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