Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Verbally Abusive Boss

I have been working for my company for four months now, and I love my job and the people I work with, however the CEO is verbally abusive to everyone including me, and when I ask why people let him treat them the way he does, they just reply: He's just passionate. I know all about being passionate, but when even the smallest things create a hostile and abusive verbal responce I have to wonder: Is there anything I can do leagally to make this stop? I have recorded various conversations with the Human resource manager about the problem through e-mail and she assures me that she will take care of it. So far nothing has happened. Please help, I love my job and what I do, but I cannot or will not let anyone treat me like I'm subhuman. Thanks

Asked on 3/09/07, 7:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Verbally Abusive Boss

How about sitting down with the boss at a quiet time and tell him how his conduct makes you feel. Rather than pin it on him, explain that you're the sensitive sort who can excel if there's less managerial involvement thereby allowing you time to be more creative and show what you can do.

Also, if you surreptitiously recorded the conversations with the HR person, that is a criminal offense if the conversation was private. You'd be advised to not do it again.

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Answered on 3/21/07, 5:22 pm

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