Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
3 day notice to pay or vacate
I received a notice to pay in 3 days or vacate. Does this mean that in 3 days someone can come lock me and my posessions out of my home? I am renter who is behind on rent.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: 3 day notice to pay or vacate
Not in California, but could in neighboring Nevada.
The first day begins at midnight of the day you were served. On day number 4, landlord can file an unlawful detainer (fancy lawyer word for evict).
You need to find advice quickly, because this will affect you now, and affect your credit rating for years.
The following website (from the state of California) explains the whole process.
If you need more information, please feel free to e-mail, or call, my office.
Good luck!