Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
On may 6, 2011, i met with my landlord who filed a unlawful detainer for the rent of feb 2011, of $2100 that was do. we met on the 6 of may and agreed that he would stop the eviction and that he would stop his lawyer and not come to court on may 9, 2011, i then agreed to give him the $1900 i had in my account and he said no that he would take $1500 because i would need some money to go forward for the next month and that i must be sure to call him in the future if he calls me because he just wanted be able to stay in touch,because each time he hires a lawyer it cost him $1000,so just to be careful i did show up for court and who do i see my landlord and his lawyer,which refused to admit to the judge that my landlord had accpected the $1500 (the judge told us to try and work it out between the two of us the lawyer basely does all the talking and tell the judge that i am will to pay him $3400 and my landlord $4300 which i did not because i was under the impression that if the judge knew that my landlord recieved $1500 plus $3000 deposit that he would throw us both out of his court room.
please advised me what i should do.
michael-(510) 706-5354
1 Answer from Attorneys
Michael, you need to hire an attorney. There is virtually no way you can resolve this yourself. You do not indicate if the trial went forward, or what was done, but I would guess that the Court issued a judgment in the landlord's favor, and that you are facing a very rapid eviction. Contact an attorney in your area immediately.
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