Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California


We paid my landlord up to June, but she apprently is trying to hide the June payment, (did not cash it on purpose) and make it look like we did not pay. Today I got a 3 day Quit or Pay notice. What do I do?? I sent her a check!!!!!!????

I cannot be out this quickly and have the disability papers and hospital papers to document this.

Can anyone give me the name of a good Tenant Lawyer that is not that expensive?

Thank you

Asked on 6/27/07, 12:06 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Diasbility

If you've paid the June rent, you can stop the check and reissue the check and personally deliver it to the peron whose name and address appear on the notice within the 3 day notice period, without consequence.

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Answered on 6/27/07, 12:11 am
Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Diasbility

Did you have any witnesses when you gave her the check? Did you mail it by certified mail, requesting return receipt? Why not stop payment, and give her a new check, and get a receipt when you do.

If she wants you out, you have some major problems. I suggest you bargain with her, and try to find a happy medium where you keep your rent current. It will save you lots of problems.

There are very few lawyers who are specialize at tenant law. Mainly the fees are very low, or nonexistent, because tenants are usually out of money....if they had money they would have paid their rent. You would be the only lawyer in a homeless shelter if you didn't have your clients pay you up front. Sorry, but I can't recommend anybody. Representing landlords pays the bills better than representing tenants. Also, you get what you pay for. If you had a brain tumor, would you want a cheap doctor, or an experienced doctor?

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Answered on 6/27/07, 4:23 pm

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