Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
Email rent increase notification
Is an email considered a legal notification of a rent increase? My landlord mentioned in a response to an email I sent regarding repairs that she was going to raise my rent (but didn't give the necessary 60 days required for a 10%+ increase). I replied that legally, she needs to give us 60 days notice. Other than this email correspondence, I have not rec'd anything else from her with regard to a rent increase. Is an email considered a legal form of notification or is a landlord required to deliver a rent increase notification in person or by US Mail delivery?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Email rent increase notification
It must be either hand-delivered to you, delivered to another adult living there and mailed to you, or if no person can be found there or at your business address, then posted on the door and mailed to you at that address. E-mail is insufficient.