Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

can you take an eviction dispute to a jury trail

if a family is being evicted and they believe it is unjust and they have a 60 eviction time running out soon can they file some kind of motion to take it to some kind of jury trial or review or something of that nature to have thier side heard and let a jury decide if it was unfair or unjust or even (bad business like practice,unsportsman like conduct)sorry for the lack of the termanology i'm looking for but u get the idea.

Asked on 12/03/06, 8:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: can you take an eviction dispute to a jury trail

You can ask for a jury in an unlawful detainer trial. There are time requirements for the request, however. See Code of Civil Procedure section 631 for more details. In essence, each party demanding a jury trial shall deposit advance jury fees with the clerk or judge. The total amount of the advance jury fees may not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for each party. The deposit shall be made at least 5 calendar days before the date initially set for trial. Otherwise, a jury is waived.

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Answered on 12/03/06, 9:52 pm

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