Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California


I lease my condo unit to a tenant. Suddenly the management company hired by the condo association sent me a letter telling me that I have been fined $25.00 becuase my tenant

continues to park in the visitor's designated parking spaces.

Does the association have a right to impose a fine on me, the landlord because my tenant is alleged to have parked

on prohibited spaces ? Why can the management company call the police to have this car towed ?Does the Association have the right to fine ?

Asked on 11/06/05, 1:37 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Carl Starrett Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II

Re: Fines

Associations have the right to fine members for violating the rules, but they must also give you notice of the violation and the opportunity for a hearing. It is your responability to make sure the tenant is following the rules.

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Answered on 11/06/05, 2:14 am

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