Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Follow up to question to complaints regarding autistic son

I went ahead and sent a certified letter to the owner . It's been over two weeks and I havent heard a word. Unfortunately, things have gotten worse. Four day's ago my son's kitten didn't come home. We rescued him from the shelter 3 months ago and the manager said it was okay to have him, sense there are 6 cats in our complex. I couldn't contact the shelter for 2 days as they were closed. Yesterday I called them and reported he was lost. Two hours later they called and said someone brought him in but cant release him because the person who had him thinks we abandoned him & told the shelter to talk to the manager and gave them mgr. name.(hummmm) They wanted to be sure I had permission. I called the owner and the manager twice asking her to please call them so we can go get the kitty. never heard back. This morning the shelter called and said they spoke with the manager and they denied permission and said there were complaints. I am totally in disbelief. What am I going to tell the boy's. how can she take my animal and return him and not even tell us where he was. and everyone else can have pets but not me? my lease says nothing about pets. No one will return my calls or respond to my letter. what do I tell the boy's? its BS.

Asked on 10/25/07, 2:54 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Follow up to question to complaints regarding autistic son

I am not sure what legal advice you are after.

Assuming your version is accurate, it might be possible to break your lease, but I would doubt it.

Nobody in management prevented you from having a kitten. The problem was in the kitten's return, but you haven't given any facts which would give rise to a legal cause of action.

If the shelter won't return your kitten, did you ever consider you might have some fault here. Shelters are very protective of their adopted animals.

What you don't state is why and how the kitten was out of your of your residence in the first place.

I can't give you anything that will help you here, and I doubt that any attorney can help. It seems to me that you are looking for somebody to agree that you have been "mistreated", and I don't see it from your statement.

Good luck!

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Answered on 10/25/07, 8:57 am

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