Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

I have good credit, my fiancee has a bankruptcy, why can't we rent?

Several Apts. have rejected our applications due to her bankruptcy. Is this legal? Is it legal to withhold that info to get a place to live? Any help would be appreciated.


Asked on 9/23/03, 6:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ken Koenen Koenen & Tokunaga, P.C.

Re: I have good credit, my fiancee has a bankruptcy, why can't we rent?

Yes, it is legal to deny to rent to someone based on their credit rating. Withholding the information could be counter productive, too.

I would recommend that you obtain a copy of your credit reports and tell the prospective landlords or managers your situation, show them the reports and ask if they will rent to you based on the information. Don't give them an application fee unless they say they will.

Everytime someone runs a credit report on you, it has a negative affect on your credit rating.

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Answered on 9/23/03, 6:58 pm

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