Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California


I am moving from my house and am planning on renting to someone who is on HUD. Although I could get $1100.00 for rent, I am offering it at $900.00 because I know the tenants and they are reliable. I am also giving them first rights to purchase my house if I sell it. HUD says they qualify for $480.00. We already were adding a Right to Purchase addendum. Now instead of a % we are making it if for $420.00 a month they will pay me towards a possible purchase. The addendum is from year-to-year. Is this legal? The amount adds up to $900.00, and we are both satisfied. I know I will be adding the money they are giving me towards my taxes, and am concerned that HUD may come after me and say I can not get extra money.

Asked on 6/26/07, 8:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Housing

I would be happy to help you, but this is beyond my area of expertise.

My suggestion is that you contact HUD directly, and let them know the situation, and if this addendum violates HUD rules, ask how you can structure the purchase.

I'll be glad to answer other inquiries regarding California landlord tenant law, so don't hesitate to e-mail, or call, if other questions arise.

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Answered on 6/27/07, 8:00 am

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