Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

landlord tenant California

Have been long term guest - ''Lodger'' - in owner-occupied residence in California for 7 months. Was invited to stay rent-free for an unspecified period to help m/financial status. One other longer term adult resident occupied another BR - same terms. Both had full privileges - kitchen, access to food, common areas, etc. Also assisted owner w/personal business, errands (using their vehicle), etc., and felt only fair. Despite not having argued or violated any ''rules'', etc. Owner informed me time was up and we mutually agreed (n writing) to 60 day exit scenario (Aug 15th). Literally, day after agreeing, the owner began bullying me to leave while stripping my rights - forbidden to use cell or landline phones (even 911 emergency), forbidden to eat any food, forbidden to use kitchen, stove, range, micro, ice maker thus can't prepare food, no visitors even though integral to my work, threatened to restrict bathrooms, threatened to move me out of BR and onto couch till 08/15, and locked me out knowing I was due back(on foot) soon/errand. Other Lodger/new house guest (2+ weeks) have no restrictions. Owner stated trying to make it more difficult on me - what's my recourse/rights here? Also my property was stolen in house - owner liability?

Asked on 7/05/07, 12:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: landlord tenant California

You have the same rights as a tenant, unless you are the only lodger. The owner is acting improperly, but you can't get damages in this state because of inconvenience or hurt feelins.

What is the reason for owner's vendetta?

Also, need more facts regarding missing property. I can't answer based on your limited statement.

Please e-mail additional facts.

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Answered on 7/05/07, 3:31 pm

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