Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
landlord tenant unlawful detainer judgement
if landlord wins judgement against tenant, and records judgement, and tenant claims now to be on disability, will the courts watch the tenant to get landlords monies if tenant should finally get job, and be able to pay? how often must landlord levy against bank accounts and wages to get tenant to pay up??
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: landlord tenant unlawful detainer judgement
Somehow, reading between the lines, I get the feeling that you are not disabled.
I have never heard courts watching a tenant to see if he is really disabled. I have been involved in several cases where insurance companies hired a p.i. to watch plaintiffs who they thought was faking.
There is no good answer to how often a would levy bank accounts, except to keep trying until you are successful, or finally give up.
Related Questions & Answers
Unlawful detainer complaint in california after the landlord wins the judgement... Asked 12/20/07, 12:57 am in United States California Landlord & Tenants