Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Lease of unfurnished house

My wife and I downsized and rented

out our pretty much immaculate

home to a friend of a friend. Now our

renter is complaining about a leak

that comes from the dishwasher

(that was there when he moved in)

and a minor leak in one of the lawn

sprinklers that's only present when

the sytem comes on. In a written

lease for an unfurnished house that's

silent on these issues (other than

they take the premises in as is

condition), are we or the tenant

responsible? In the future, should I

add something to the lease so we

don't have to worry about it. I know

a landord's responsible for providing

basics, like heat and water, etc., but

what about these little incidentals?


Asked on 4/06/08, 5:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Lease of unfurnished house

Thanks for the "thanks". They are few and far between.

Bad news, however! You are responsible for ordinary wear and tear, which would be both the dishwasher and sprinkler leaks.

Tenant is responsible for damage he/she or guests do.

I would not add anything to your leases. These incidentals are always going to be there...I am 70 and have seen everybody's life be plusses and minuses during my life.

Good luck, and let me know if you need more (just e-mail my office).

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Answered on 4/07/08, 7:14 pm

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