Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
Month to month lease
Can i move out without giving my landlor 30 day notice, the apt. Is clean and ready to rent, no damages, the owner told me he will keep 200 for breaking the contract is this correct in a month to month contract? My total deposit was 800. I paid rent for june 27 - july 27, i told owner july 10, i already moved out.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Month to month lease
You have already moved out, so I can't give you permission.
I can't answer properly without knowing the length of your lease, or was it month to month?
Based on your statement, which is also unclear, I am assuming that the landlord is keep the whole month rent till July 27 plus $200 of your deposit.
If you had given proper notice, and the lease permitted, you would be entitled to $800 refund.
Actually, your deal is okay if the landlord doesn't change his mind and keep the entire $800.
E-mail me, or call, if you need to clarify this, or add some facts.