Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Notice of 'forced apartment transfer to higher rent building

Received- notice 'of 'forced transfer

case description: today - in my mailbox - i received from the 'manager of the apartment building where i lived a 'letter 'dated nov. 9th- that 'had 'just 'been placed in my box - when i checked 2:30 pm - 'today. - the '10th'...

Stating the decision had been made to move me to a higher rent apartment in the building next door - effective dec.10th.

This apartment does not 'include 'electricity - which would add an additional$50.00 to my 'expenses- and i am 'very low income 'disabled.

The letter was prepared- yesterday morning- 'but only placed in my mailbox - this 'afternoon. The notice is also - dated - '11-9-07.

I check my mailbox - every day- several times a day- and this notice 'was not - in my box - until this 'afternoon - the 10th!!!!!

Is this legal?!!!!!!

Asked on 11/10/07, 6:06 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Notice of 'forced apartment transfer to higher rent building

I cannot answer without knowing what is in your lease.

Could you please fax, scan, or e-mail the lease. Then I might be able to help you.

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Answered on 11/10/07, 7:43 pm

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