Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

notice to move

i have lived in the house for 16months and now my owner is giving me a notice to move because he is losing the house. do i really have to move in 30 days? i am a single parent and i cannot afford to move now.

Asked on 10/11/07, 10:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: notice to move

What kind of notice to move? What did it say? Is the house being sold, or foreclosed?

Quick answer is that you have to get 60 days notice, unless you are causing damage, or a "nuisance", or behind with the rent.

Please resubmit with more facts, or e-mail my office with more.

I'll try to help you then, but you haven;t given me enough facts to do anything but guess.

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Answered on 10/12/07, 2:59 pm

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