Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Problem with Property Manager

We are a man and woman (husband & wife) living in a rent control building in L.A. The property mgr is extremely unreasonable; he does not have needed repairs completed in a timely manner, his wife when you call the ''office'' number is rude to the point of using foul language and hanging up on you. She also gossips about all the tenants to new renters. He also is rude in tone when dealing with us. Has threaten us with eviction many times when we have requested repair work (also come close to becoming violent, physically). Even accused husband of stealing a sign (didn't happen).The handyman who does the actual repairs makes a mess and never cleans up; and has made threatening gestures (never actual physical contact) towards husband. Owner could care less; we're lived here for 16 years; never missed a rent payment; keep the apartment clean. Did have a mold problem which took them almost 2 years to clear up. Security gates have been up for 2 years but no lock ever installed. Any type of legal resource to get mangement/owner to response in civil manner and do their job?

Asked on 8/14/07, 5:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Problem with Property Manager

Unfortunately, very little in the area of landlord tenant law will help to alleviate your problems with these people. Also, very seldom does our legal system force people to behave reasonably, and doesn't pay damages for "hurt feelings".

They have cleared up the mold problem, and, unless there are more reasons to do so, you can't force them to have a lock in the security gate.

The first thing that I would do is think about moving. Why do you stay and put up with this abuse, especially when you always pay rent on time?

The second thing would be to think about retaining an attorney to write a strong letter, but again I don't know where your damages are. Even if you win a law suit, you must show damage, and hurt feelings don't count as damages.

I would think that perhaps getting a number of other tenants, who agree with you, form a committee, and withhold rent (i.e. a kind of rent strike) until the property manager and his wife are fired, or at least behaved with decency towards the tenants.

Please feel free to contact my office via e-mail, or a call, for additional advice.

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Answered on 8/14/07, 7:17 pm

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